Continuing ministry during COVID-19

Considering this COVID-19 outbreak and the measures to contain it including the lock-down, people are reflecting on so many things. Everyone in their own corner is asking when will this be over so that we can go back to their normal life. Unfortunately, the answer to this question is yet to be found. In such a reflecting mood the word in Esther 4:14 made me ask what a believer can do in such time like this. A believer should minister to other by bearing more fruits . The following will give two ways to do ministry in such a time like this.

Many people are affected by this lock-down in one way or another. Some have already lost their job. Others are watching their business collapse on top of unpaid bank loan. It is time to love our neighbors and show generosity. Giving is not out abundance but out of a conviction that God who supplies for our need is the same God who provide seed to the sower, and he does it in abundance. They are many initiatives to support those who are in need. Take part. Be a blessing to someone. That is how we can be applying the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:35-36.

The hearts of many people are full of suspicions. The foundation are shaken. Like in GBU, students are home having extra time to wonder about what will happen to this academic year. This is a time to share hope. A simple phone call can be a great encouragement to them. What about the members of your bible study group, your church friends? Encourage them to keep their faith and their quiet time. Calling and praying with them can be a good way to minister to them in such a time like this.

While there are so many things to complain about the lock-down, you should never complain about having more time with your family. It is a blessing. This lock-down should be used effectively as a time to grow together as families. Engage others with message of hope in the middle of time like this.

Thank God. He is in control of all things even the lock-down and the outbreak. Therefore, have courage and hope. Corona virus will come to an end. Meanwhile, Let our light shine.